Carrer Pamplona, 88
08018 Barcelona
TEL. 93 272 09 10
Metro Línea 1 - Parada MarinaMetro Línea 4 - Parada Bogatell

+ conciertos en Razzmatazz sala 3

+ conciertos en Barcelona


20:00h. Entrada libre

Presentació del disc Resolution editat per la companya americana Moonjune Records amb seu a NY. El trio és banda estable des de l´any 2009 quan van editar el seu primer treball "Live at Casa Murada". Des de les hores han girat per tota la península i Europa.

Dusan Jevtovic, guitarra.
Bernat Hernández, baix.
Xavi Reija, bateria.

Review by BRENT BLACK /

..."Xavi Reija puts the paddles to progressive fusion and jumpstarts the genre to the next level.This is a trio that moves from a sophisticated elegance to a full metal assault on the senses with a high octane attack that rivals many of their contemporaries. Resolution is the future of jazz / rock fusion. Resolution is as tight as you can get and one of the best for 2014!"...Brent Black

Review about ‘RESOLUTION’ by DAN BURKE Feb. 2014

..."That release showcased three young and gifted progressive jazz players with impressive credentials and undeniable chops but, more importantly, brimming with fresh ideas. The Catalan drummer from Barcelona has chosen to construct a leaner sound machine that, through careful sharpening of the remaining weapons in the arsenal, has produced some of the finest post-rock avant jazz out there today. Delicate and thoughtful kit-work with deft guitar loops add texture and ambience to the sonic pallet making this trio feel more akin to a small orchestra scoring for some incredible film. There is an intelligence at work here – a painterly approach that enthusiastically seeks to redefine the sonic possibilities that the trio format can bring to the table.”...
Dan Burke

Review by PROGSPHERE March 21. 2014(NIKOLA SAVIC)

..."NYC-based label Moonjune Records have just realesed another gem in the myriad of great realeses coming from their roster"...
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