Maricas - JOSH CAFFE & ISABELLA (Electrònica)

23:55h. - First release 10 euros - Second release 12 euros - Third release 14 euros / Tickets at the door for 16 euros.

MARICAS next affair is the 27.07 at Sala Upload Barcelona

Come again to our LGBTQ+ techno, pervy & loving party. Your Barcelona queer family is waiting for you!

Josh Caffe - Official


MARICAS Manifesto:
- MARICAS is a safe space for anyone that has ever been discriminated, harassed or violated just for being him/her/themselves.
- MARICAS more than a party is a movement, that celebrates and embraces difference.
- MARICAS is a home for the outcast, marginalized and freaks of this world.
- MARICAS is a family that anyone is welcome to join.

♥ We reserve the right to remove people from our party who don't respect our SAFE QUEER space.
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