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Gran de Gràcia, 36
08012 Barcelona
Metro Línea 3 - Parada FontanaMetro Línea 5 - Parada Diagonal

+ conciertos en Alfa Bar

+ conciertos en Barcelona

Edició especial Festes de Gràcia:

21:30h. Entrada libre

In the 70s, and very much in love, his mother and father engaged in sexual relations. 9 months later, in 1979, an enormous stork dropped him (on his head) in the city where his mother was living… he cried, ate, peed and pooped, made some first sounds and cruised through the four stages of mental growth.

He soon began questioning the world around him, searching for a balance between his own happiness and the happiness of his loved ones… today he is just trying to live in the moment…here and now.
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